Age classifications are determined by the competitor’s age as of December 31 of the competition season. Age groups are as follows:
- Veteran: 21 years and older 1997 and earlier
- Seniors: 19 and 20 years-old 1999 and 1998
- U19: 17 and 18 years-old 2001 and 2000
- U17: 15 and 16 years-old 2003 and 2002
- U15: 13 and 14 years-old 2005 and 2004
- U13: 11 and 12 years-old 2007 and 2006
- U11: 9 and 10 years-old 2009 and 2008
- U9: 7 and 8 years-old 2011 and 2010
- U7: 6 years-old and younger 2012 and later